Metering of heat and cool energy is particularly relevant today when the price of the resources reaches its limits. Therefore, each user would like to optimize its consumption and get the most accurate account. The main purpose of metering is to allow the subscribers to determine when and how much energy they should use in order to control their costs.
As a licensee of the Danish company Brunata A/S we manage to combine flexible solutions, establish confidence in the results and realise our vision of enabling customers to optimise their resources. In terms of measuring the consumption of our clients, Dalsia Brunata is a preferred professional regarding the documentation of resource consumption and energy efficiency of any type of building.
Our metering solutions cover:
- Meters – heat, cool, water, energy, electricity and humidity
- Reading – remote reading, visits and online
- Software – online reporting of consumption measurement and consumption accounts
- Service – heat cost allocation, approved installation, maintenance, calibration and reverification
More information regarding our metering and billing services you can find at: